Book Review Tour Packages




Order Any Campaign For Two Books and You Get 5 USD OFF!

Order Any Campaign For Three Books and You Get 10 USD OFF!

Order Any Campaign For Four Books and You Get 35 USD OFF!

SPECIAL NOTE: This is NOT a paid review service. You are not paying us for “reviews”. We merely “put your book in front of our reviewers and book bloggers”, so to speak. Our service is fully compliant with Amazon.

We promote Kindle ebooks, paperbacks, hardcovers as well as audiobooks. Our promotion works for self-published, traditionally published and even unpublished works. Please note that it is not necessary to have your books available on Amazon in order to use our service. As long as your book is available anywhere online, including but not limited to Goodreads, B&N, Kobo, Librarything, Your Website, Cloud-based storage systems such as Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, ARC services such as BookFunnel, ProlificWorks or BookSprout, etc., you CAN use our service.

Reviews are to authors what drugs are to addicts. No author in today’s competitive world can survive for long without the help of reviews. We also understand that most indie authors don’t have a lot of money to spend on promotion and marketing. Keeping that in mind, we have made our review tour packages very affordable. Currently available packages are below (Please note: These low prices are available only for a short time as we are trying to build a decent client base; we suggest that you take advantage of them now while they last; once you lock yourself in the current pricing structure, you will be charged at the same rate for all your future orders even if our prices increase for the general public):

Average Package: Cost => $90 $47

Under this package, I will blast your ebook/book/audiobook to my list of 6,000+ readers on my Mailchimp list (click here for list stats). I will send four promos to my list. You can expect around 5 to 10 reviews for your book (*estimated) within 3 to 4 weeks from the date of the start of campaign. After payment, you will get a form to submit your details.

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Super Package: Cost => $190 $67

Under this package, I will:

a) Blast your ebook/book/audiobook to my list of 6,000+ readers on my Mailchimp list. I will send six promos to my list.

b) Track the progress of the review tour campaign and send you an email report of the total number of reviewers who have shown interest in reading your book

c) Purchase advertisement on a newsletter consisting of more than 57,451 book readers.

You can expect around 15 to 40 reviews for your book (*estimated) within 3 to 4 weeks from the date of the start of campaign. After payment, you will get a form to submit your details.

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Premium Package: Cost => $250 $117

Under this package, I will:

a) Blast your ebook/book/audiobook to my list of 6,000+ readers on my Mailchimp list. I will send eight promos to my list.

b) Track the progress of the review tour campaigns and send you an email report of the total number of reviewers who have shown interest in reading your book

c) Purchase advertisement on a newsletter consisting of more than 57,451 book readers.

d) Run a 3-month long book tour campaign exclusively for your book which would consist of contacting more than 5,878 active book bloggers, promoting your book in front of thousands of readers via social media, creating a media kit for your book, promoting your book regularly on Goodreads review groups for the length of the campaign, etc.

You can expect around 45 to 70 reviews for your book (*estimated) within 3 to 4 weeks from the date of the start of campaign and MORE after the end of the campaign. After payment, you will get a form to submit your details.

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*We at PremiumBookTours believe in transparency in business, therefore you won’t find anything shady such as ‘fine print’ here. We will tell you upfront that the number of reviews you may expect from each package are merely estimates and not concrete numbers. We cannot guarantee the number of reviews your book will receive as different books fare differently based on genre, cover, blurb as well as content. All of our review tour campaigns are targeted by genre, which means that only those readers who have expressed interest in reading books of your target genre will receive information about your book; this ensures that you get fair and honest reviews from interested readers. One thing you need to keep in mind is that ours is NOT a paid review service; you are not buying reviews, we do not pay our reviewers and as per’s terms it is not obligatory on the part of readers to post reviews even if they receive free copies of a book from its author.

Secondly, we cannot guarantee the quality of reviews you may receive. We do not ask our readers to leave anything other than HONEST reviews. Hence the quality of reviews you get would ultimately depend on the quality of your book. To ensure that you get only HONEST reviews from readers who actually read books of your target genre, we send only GENRE-TARGETED email campaigns to our list of reviewers. We also maintain the quality of our pool of authors by vetting each author before accepting their work into our pool.

Thirdly, we cannot guarantee that you would receive “VERIFIED PURCHASE” reviews. If you want “VERIFIED PURCHASE” reviews then consider lowering the price of your book to 0.99 USD or 1.99 USD. Although nothing in life is guaranteed, people are more likely to buy a book from a new author if it does not cost a lot of money.

Fourthly, we ask that you do not run book tour campaigns from another company simultaneously while our campaign is in progress; this only creates confusion as to the relative effectiveness of the respective campaigns.

Fifthly, all purchases are final and non-refundable. We sell a digital service and since digital products cannot be returned, therefore refunds cannot be issued for the same.